Eighteen months ago, Cirencester and Cheltenham Chamber’s came together with FSB and Gloucestershire Business show to discuss the importance of local procurement. The first meeting was held at the Police Headquarters and was attended by heads of procurement from some of our biggest businesses in the county and public sector organisations.
The aim was to understand their needs, and to ‘demystify’ the tendering process, so that the Chambers and FSB could impart this information to their members and to understand the Social Value Act 2012
Corporate Social Responsibility/Economic Social Governance are becoming more and more important and is being driven down supply chains, as many organisations want to reduce their carbon footprint, and also want to engage with local communities. By embracing these ethics and values businesses may be scored higher
Together Gloucestershire is supported by Alex Chalk MP and Sir Geoffrey Clifton Brown MP and all acknowledged the need to support the county’s circular economy.
Sam Holliday from FSB said “Small businesses in Gloucestershire are passionate about their local community and are always keen to work with the biggest local companies and the private sector. We truly believe the unique Together Gloucestershire initiative could be the gateway to help businesses of all sizes work together in a positive and collaborative way.”
“The Chambers have always worked hard to help their members to grow and this could truly make a difference. The engagement and passion shown by some of the largest local employers to the project has been overwhelming. The Together Gloucestershire project will make a huge difference to the social, economic and environmental impact.” Said Adam Vines, Cirencester Chamber and Claire Thayers, Cheltenham Chamber
It is important therefore that we share this knowledge at the Gloucestershire Business Show and Peter Allison went on to say
“Together Gloucestershire was first conceived following discussions at one of our shows about how good it would be for the circular pound if we could keep procurement local. Since then we are seeing some fabulous support and drive from all those involved
The local authorities have got on board and we now have a great working group putting real time and resources into driving social value through localised procurement. It’s a leading example in the UK and we’re truly excited to see where this takes us and its time to share our story”
Come and learn more at the Gloucestershire Business Show